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Failsworth Community Fridge

What is a Community Fridge?

Our Community Fridge is a place where anyone can come and get free food/hygiene products who are struggling to afford the basics. Similar to a foodbank, however we do not require any token or voucher or proof of income to use it. We rely on donations from our staff and students, as well as external donations from the public and businesses. Anyone can donate and anyone can use the Community Fridge

When are we open?

Monday – 2pm – 5pm
Tuesday – 2pm – 5pm
Wednesday – 2pm – 5pm
Thursday – 2pm – 5pm
Friday – 2pm – 5pm
Saturday – CLOSED
Sunday – CLOSED

How can you find us?

Failsworth Sports Campus, Brierley Avenue, Failsworth, Manchester, M35 9HA.
There will be white signs outside directing where to go and it is the large green container on the left.

What do I do?

If there is no staff in the fridge, please ring the number that will be put on the door of the Community Fridge and a staff member will be with you shortly. This is because it is run by the Sports Campus staff who are also doing other duties, but will be happy to help if you need anything. If you can, please bring your own bag. However, if you don’t have one we do have some spare.

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact Jack Ryan, Community Engagement Officer, on 0161 688 3909 or the Sports Campus on 0161 688 3926.

Thanks for using Failsworth Community Fridge!