Parent Support
We want to increase the participation of parents of pupils with SEND. We value your views in helping to choose the right provisions for your child.
We would also like to work with parents to help reinforce provisions and routines to support progress at home.
Parent Survey
We would like to learn more about the support that you need as parents in supporting your child at home. We have written a survey to gain your views and to allow us to plan for support. To complete the survey please click the link below.
POINT Oldham and Oldham Parent Carer Forum
You can find more information on the POINT website.
Your Local Offer - Oldham
Oldham’s Local Offer is an online resource that details services, support and guidance available to children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) aged 0-25 and their families.
To access Oldham’s Local Offer click here.
The Oldham SENDIASS service can be here.
This is an independent SEND advisory service.
Your Local Offer - Manchester
Manchester’s Local Offer is an online resource that details services, support and guidance available to children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) aged 0-25 and their families.
To access Manchester’s Local offer click here.
SENDIASS Manchester
The Manchester SENDIASS service can be here.
This is an independent SEND advisory service.
Pupil Passports
When a pupil is placed on our SEND register we will write a pupil passport.
The pupil passport is written with the pupil in mind and provides information to teaching staff about the needs of the pupil. It also includes information about how the learning needs affect the pupil and how this may impact their learning.
We then agree a list of strategies to be used in the classroom so that teachers can plan high quality lessons and make adjustments to ensure that pupils with SEND are making progress.
How do we support Pupils?
Every teacher is a teacher of every pupil, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. We provide a high quality education for all of our pupils, no matter their abilities. The SEND team work to support all pupils both within lessons and in targeted interventions. We also work to support teaching staff in their delivery of an inclusive and ambitious curriculum.
How do we support Teaching Staff?
In addition to having access to the Pupil Passports we have also created a staff learning portal so that they have access to online training materials so that they can develop a better understanding of different learning needs. We hold staff briefings to raise awareness of particular issues faced by pupils with learning needs and provide bespoke training and advice where necessary.
The SEND team will also drop in to lessons to ensure that pupils are being supported in accordance with their guidance on their pupil passport. We will offer advice and feedback to teaching staff of how they may improve their practice.
For any student who is taking part in an intervention we will follow this up with lesson drop ins to check on the impact of interventions and support the teacher where necessary.