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GCSE Citizenship kicks-off Community Fridge Fundraising

As part of their GCSE in citizenship pupils are required to organise an active citizenship project on an issue of their own choosing.  Angel, Lily, Gracie-Mai and Miley, all Year 11 pupils, decided to focus on our Community Fridge.  

Last week, the girls organised a food collection event for Year 7.  Students brought in donations each morning for the Community Fridge.  These items were tracked and the form who brought in the highest number of items across the week won a double lunch reward on Friday. 

Congratulations go to 7E who donated 103 items over the week!

In total 405 items were donated.  A huge thank you to all parents and carers for their kind donations.

As part of this project, Janae in Year 7 went above and beyond: she saved her pocket money and used this to buy 4 bags of shopping to donate to the project, a special thank you to Janae for her act of kindness!

Well done to all of our Year 7 students for getting involved and our Year 11 Citizenship students for organising this great fundraising event!

Our Community Fridge is open Monday - Friday, 2pm - 5pm and offers no-questions-asked support to all families who need support with food and hygiene products.