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Pupil Friendly Safeguarding Policy

Co-op Academy Failsworth is our Academy and we want it to be a safe place for every pupil.

We will always do everything we can to make sure that every pupil within our Academy is safe both inside and outside of the Academy. 


This policy is to help you understand what Safeguarding means to you and to help you decide what could be a “problem” and whom you should talk to. 

Staff in our Academy know that Safeguarding means that they should: 

  • Protect you from harm; 
  • Make sure nothing stops you being healthy or developing properly; 
  • Make sure you are safely looked after; 
  • Make sure you have the best life chances and can grow up happy and successful 

All Staff in our Academy will make sure they look after you by: 

  • Making the Academy a friendly, welcoming and supportive place to spend time in – somewhere you want to be 
  • Be there for you to talk to if you need to and know who to ask for help 
  • Give you guidance in your lessons to help you learn how to look after yourself both online and in the real world 
  • Have all the right rules and procedures in place to help look after you. They will follow these rules and procedures all of the time (these rules are sometimes called policies)