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Vision and Values


Achieving Excellence Together.


We are a ‘Centre of Excellence’ where the day in, day out experience is outstanding for all.


Our Values are founded on the Co-op ‘Ways of Being’. No matter what we do, they are the way that we do it.

Co-op Ways of Being

Be yourself, always
Do what matters most
Show you care
Succeed together


Our Curriculum

Is knowledge rich and built on expert teaching.

Is rooted in excellence with the notion of developing expertise at its core.

Uses creative and diverse pedagogical approaches, carefully selected using educational research and cognitive science.

Allows students to fulfil and transcend their academic and personal potential.


Our Approach

Professional learning is at the heart of all that we do.

The Academy invests in the development of colleagues so that they have a deep understanding of cognitive knowledge, subject knowledge and pedagogical knowledge. They are reflective and adaptive in order to contribute to academic excellence.

Assessment that is relevant, formative and progressive thus allowing for the development from novice to expert.

Misconceptions are identified, understood and addressed through a deep understanding of pedagogy and generative learning.

We promote the highest of aspirations, so that all students succeed: going on to destinations of their choosing as a result of an excellent quality of education.

All students experience a rich and diverse KS3 where depth and development of expertise is attained before specialising in Year 10 and 11.