Home School Agreement
Home School Agreement
As an Academy we will:
- Support your child’s wellbeing and safety by providing a safe, supportive and caring environment
- Provide an environment for all teachers to teach and all learners to learn
- Monitor and provide updates on your child’s progress through parent evenings, progress reports and parental meetings where required.
- Promote high standards of behaviour, and outline clear expectations in our behaviour policy so we maintain a safe environment for all of our learners.
- Promote high expectations in your child’s attendance and punctuality
- Communicate any concerns about your child’s attendance, behaviour, wellbeing with you as their parent/carer
- Listen to and respond to any concern’s students, parents and carers may have
- Communicate between home and school through email, letters, newsletters, school website and phone call.
As a parent/carer I will:
- Make sure my child attends school regularly and on time. I will notify the school if my child will be absent from school and avoid taking my child on holiday during term time.
- Make sure my child is dressed in the correct uniform and brings the necessary equipment to school
- Support the school to make sure my child maintains consistently high standards of behaviour
- Encourage my child to try their best so that they can reach their full potential
- Communicate to the Academy any concerns that I have about my child that may affect their behaviour, attendance or ability to learn
- Ensure that my child completes all homework set on time and raise any issues with their teacher
- Read and follow Academy policies
- Read any communications sent out by the Academy and respond where required.
- Treat all members of our Academy community with care and respect
- Attend and engage in parental meetings as requested by the Academy and work in partnership with the Academy to achieve the best possible outcomes for my child.
As a pupil at Co-op Academy Failsworth I will:
- Ensure my attendance is at least 95% or better
- Wear the correct uniform at all times and follow the Academy expectations on uniform.
- Ensure that I have the correct equipment for school every day
- Arrive at school and my lessons every day on time and ready to learn
- Try my best at all times
- Take responsibility for my own learning and allow others to learn
- Show respect for others both in and out of the Academy
- Take responsibility for my own actions and behaviour
- Respect the Academy environment and the local community
- Complete all homework set and on time
- Have a positive attitude towards, and participate fully in, the life of the Academy. Help to keep other students in the Academy building safe by avoiding any bullying behaviour and reporting any bullying related incidents.